Who's who?

Salam wrt.
Heya! Hi!
We are a couple of medical and  accounting students who have great passion in business and HANDBAGS!
So combining both of'em, we came out with this weehandbag online business.

As we are currently staying or studying to be exact, in the UK ( and one of us was in Ireland once upon a time.. :D), we always enjoyed good handbags at a very reasonable price! So we want you, yes you our friends in Malaysia to enjoy the same too! Hence we decided to bring handbags from UK to your home at of course better price than the market. ^_^

We hope that you can support us and feel free to leave us  feedbacks to improve our services to you. We can be reached at weehandbags@gmail.com

Thank you very much for browsing through our blog!

Yours sincerely,
Yaya, Fa & Nicky.